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September 07, 2003 - No way am I dead! Missing in action from time to time maybe... In fact I'll be starting my internship soon and then graduate with a degree in Culinary Arts!! Anyway, today is a birthday so I am making a fancy dinner for someone. Hoping to post the recipes today. If you see any strange looking adds at the bottom of my pages that's TRIPOD being a complete ass to the page I've had for 3 years. They have started a very aggressive ad program that's tagging those banner on to everything... I can't apologize enough!! Because of the disturbing amounts of ads suddenly attached to my page. I'm considering moving... but it would really be pointless right now since I really don't have much of a page yet. When I get more of this hammered out or whatever then I might even get a domain! (right...) Anyway the new thing today is the " BLOG " on the index. Should be next to the updates. Anyway, I don't know what blog stands for but it's like an online diary and supposedly much easier to update than a page. So I thought I should try to slip a few words now and again or some recipes in there so you can still look at them, and when I fix them up, I'll add them to the actual page! How does that sound?? February 04, 2003 - Just added a new soup. Cream of Chicken, don't worry it's not as boring as it sounds. I'm almost finished with the brigade system, and by request I will start working on two things. Mesurements and conversations, and chicken recipes. I may add one every day. That's a lot of updates for me. January 26, 2003 - Been a while since I've updated. I've begun my knife anatomy section a while back. I've been refining recipes here at home so I hope they will work better for home use. I'm also going to have some "informal recipes" such as Mac & Cheese with a gourmet flair. I can't stand "instant" food. Trust me it doesn't take much longer and it's much much better also better for you! - I'm officially at a stand point where it's going to be hard to finish my major. I only have 3 classes left, but it may take me another 3 or 4 semesters to get it, including finding an internship. I haven't been ignoring the page, I've been busy, this has also been a time when my creative writing had suddenly struck me. I cook all the time, my writing is sporatic. I've decided to devote the majority of my inspiration to my writing until that particular grace has left me again (and it will). - So don't worry, I've got a lot to do, but it will be done!!! To make up for lack of updates, I've started the bridage system in my terms section. it's not finished, but it's started!
August 17, 2002 - Finally, you may now use my french soup recipe. August 1, 2002 - Adding soup recipes. I need to scale it to slightly less than 30 servings before I give you the messurements. Oh and I found out what was pushing my text to the end of the page. So I hope fixing that will make things a bit easier to read. July 31, 2002 - God, I suck. I haven't updated at all, and I have absolutely no excuse for it. Good thing I don't own a domain. Well, (incoming false promise) hopefully through august, I will be able to make a few more updates. I am staring at a folder with at least 50 recipes from a gourmet class. With a little motivation, I'll be able to archive those soon. I've been getting my html inspiration back. Also, update for those who don't surf much, tripod has been kind of a jerk lately. OK! ok, so that's not an excuse. By the way, my email is dead! I killed it! So, you can send me a message in my guestbook until I get a new one. I added my other directories finally. Now that things are set up I can get working a bit better on them.
March 31, 2002 - Good news! Most culinary classes don't have much paper work. So my gourmet class with it's plates/menu/recipes/research paper etc. Is over and it's straight cooking from there. So with permission I will be able to post whole menu's and recipies for you to look over. I'm also thinking about menu design for the site. I've had to assist in 2 differnt ethinc menus. I find it rather interesting and without a class related time limit, I'll be able to really dig into it. March 13, 2002 - I don't know what's wrong with me.. I choose the busiest I've ever been to think I'm going to update more OFTEN?! Ok... remind me to check my blood sugar. I've got class 6 days a week, so I think, "I'll be at the campus all the time, I've got time before AND after class to update. Rock on!" But that's now how it turns out. So I'm going to clear out those unfinished entries in the diary and hopefully give you some insight on my new classes (some good stuff there, trust me) and hopefully get cracking on some cooking here. Note to self: upload pics from student directory! Jan 11, 2002 - Alright, been keeping up in the diary for the most part. I've also started to get together my student packets from my intro classes. Those will help me help you. Also discovered the student directory at school to get my food photos. Dec 21, 2001 - Finally added my "Diary of a Chef in Training." Hope you find it interesting. Also added My food images, I only have one right now, but I will get the others, someday. Dec 19, 2001 - Added the reading page, and credits. Started work on the Tips area... still very disorganized. Dec 18, 2001 - After months of wanting to. I finally opened the page. Just getting started. Let's see if I can keep it up. I even have a sub layout!!! YAY - way ahead of myself.