My Food Images
110 - There is a substantial directory at school containing a great deal of pictures from classes that have not be placed online. So far I will place them here when I procure them. Don't feel bad, I'll have all my messy pics here too, next to my successes. A show of what NOT to do.
This blurry image (Thanks, Kathleen...) is classic "Lyonesse Potatos" I'll have to double check the spelling on that. It's actually a really good recipie. Boil some whole potatos. Let them cook. Caramellize some fine chopped onions in a pan with some butter. Then saute thinly sliced potatos in the saute pan with the onions, and let it brown for as long as you like. I expect to rediscover the recipie in one of my folders (it's around here somewhere). My garnish for the image was a few well placed chives, sauted green bell pepper and some gruyer cheese. It melts the best over hot food. This was developed in Lyon, France.
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